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As the days get colder and the rain more frequent, I've found myself looking back through photos from the summer. I was lucky to have a very busy few months after finishing my first year of university and had the best time so I thought I'd do a recap of everything I got up to. Festivals I'd never been to a festival before and this year I went to 3! The first was The Isle of Wight Festival which was just amazing and I definitely think it's a festival for everyone to enjoy. We were able to see some amazing artists including Lewis Capaldi, Tom Grennan, The Kooks, Rudimental, Madness, Shaggy and so many more. I did end up burning myself really badly on the first day, despite frequently applying suncream but that was a small price to pay and I've already planned to go again in 2023!  I also went to Boomtown which is a different kind of experience music wise but was so good to spend time with my boyfriend - Ryan and our friends. Also, the sets were incredible, and the eff...


I was planning to combine my October and November monthly favourites together but there has actually been quite a bit I wanted to share over the last month. However, before I get into that, I just can't believe we're in November already! As soon as over, that means that Christmas is well on its way for me, I'm so ready to listen to all the festive songs! I am still enjoying Autumn still though, all the colours are so pretty aren't they? Anyway, here are my favourites for this month.


Checked shirts and scarves definitely scream Autumn vibes to me! One of my favourites to wear is this burgundy checked shirt from New Look, it's perfect to throw on and I love layering it too. I can find the exact one but this one from H&M is similar. A scarf can really make an outfit and keeps you warm too so it's really a win-win! I love wearing this chunky knit one, I've had it for a few years now but I always look forward to wearing it when it's cooler again. Plus it's white so literally goes with anything! I actually can't remember where I got mine but this one from Primark is quite similar.

Also, I wouldn't exactly count this as fashion because well it's not, but it's of the same category so I've been obsessed with my slippers recently. Now that it's getting colder, especially in the evenings, it's so nice to slip on some cosy slippers and the best part? Mine were only £4 from Primark!
Anyway, I always like to know what everyone else has enjoyed over the last month so do let me know below! I don't want to wish November away but I'm so ready for Christmas now!


I love candles all year round but they're extra cosy this time of the year aren't they? Yankee Candle has some amazing scents that you can even pick in your local supermarket and they're perfect for Autumn. Now that it's getting darker earlier, it's so nice to burn a candle in the evening and it helps that they smell great too! Some of my favourites include the Apple & Cinnamon Cider and Cosy Up scents.

I also really love the candle from Candles by Katy that I received as part of the BlogBox Edition 2. The scent is Pink Champagne and Pomelo so it's not specific to Autumn but it smells amazing and I love the black jar, I totally think it adds to the cosy feel!


I know technically it’s a series but as it’s a Netflix original I thought I’d put it in its own category. I recently binged the entire of The Haunting of Hill House and really enjoyed it. I’m a sucker for horror, suspense, thriller type things so was very intrigued when I heard about this. I thought the storyline was so interesting and I also loved the depth of the characters, which I think made it that much tenser. The jump scare/horror bits were not overdone either and definitely built up as the series progressed. Personally I don’t get scared by horror series or movies so actually quite enjoyed watching it by myself, I find it’s easier to feel the suspense that way but I’d recommend watching it with someone else if you think you’ll get scared but still want to watch it! I don’t want to give any spoilers away so you can watch the trailer here if you’d like to see more of what it’s about!


A couple of weeks ago I went to a Pick Your Own farm, we were able to get some raspberries, blackberries and golden berries which were all delicious! It was also really nice to walk around and pick our own fruit so I’d definitely want to go back. I actually did a whole post on it if you’d like to know more!

Now I’m not the biggest fan of Halloween, I used to like dressing up and trick or treating but now I’m older I don’t really do much for it. However, for years now I’ve always carved a pumpkin to go out outside our house, I enjoy being creative and always try to do a different design! This year I wanted to do a witch and this is how it turned out! I definitely wish I had a bigger pumpkin as it was really fiddly, but hey at least you can tell what it is and I can say I embraced Halloween a bit!


Another thing I've been enjoying is Strictly Come Dancing, I've actually been watching it since series 4 but sort of dipped in and out for the last couple of years. However, I really like this year's lineup and have looked forward to watching it each week. I was very intrigued when I saw Joe Sugg was doing it, I know some people aren't a fan but I've watched his videos for years so it's great to see YouTube being represented! I'm also a big fan of the new 'couple's choice' dance styles they have introduced, I was sceptical at first as I've watched the traditional dances for years, but have really loved them so far! It's really refreshing to see something different and I'm looking forward to the other couples to do theirs too. 

I've also been watching the series YOU, which is a sort of Gossip Girl meets Pretty Little Liars, thriller type series that is an adaptation of Caroline Kepnes' novel. The storyline is really interesting and has multiple dark twists so if you enjoy things like that then I'd definitely recommend it. It also stars Penn Badgley and Shay Mitchell, so it's truly a crossover of teen drama series! You can watch the trailer here, and it's also being released on to Netflix this December 26th.


Something I really associate with Autumn are toffee apples and I wish they were easier to get hold of where I live, usually, I only get one when the carnival comes around! They’re pretty simple and it’s always a risk in case you don’t have a good apple, but I had a delicious one this year and I think I’ll definitely have to make my own soon!

I’ve also enjoyed the little packets of Twiglets, I know they’re very much a love or hate thing but I could eat so many of them! We always get Twiglets at Christmas but I don’t usually have them the rest of the year for some reason, however, these small packs are a perfect snack!


I have to admit, I watch a lot of YouTube and recently I’ve been watching mostly American creators - so much so that my sleeping pattern seems to reflect their time zone rather than the UK! So the first person I want to mention is Shane Dawson, he’s definitely the one everyone has been talking about recently and rightly so! I love his documentary-style videos and thought his recent series with Jake Paul was so interesting. If you haven’t watched it then you can binge the whole lot here!

I've also really enjoyed the content from the Dolan TwinsJames Charles and Emma Chamberlain. I enjoy their videos separately but also love their friendship and always look forward to the collabs! Their most recent ones were hilarious as usual and I'd definitely recommend you check them out if you're looking for a laugh! 

Let me know what you've been enjoying over the last month in the comments below! Hopefully, I'll have lots more to talk about at the end of November too!


  1. I have heard of The Haunting of hill house and my bf has seen it. So scary! I have been watching Elite on Netflix and what a treat! Those candles look amazing!

    1. It’s great and definitely no where near as scary as I’d heard! Ooh yes I’ve recently started Elite too actually, thanks for reading!

  2. Great list of october favourites - I really loved The Haunting of Hill House too, it wasn't cheap horror and it was such a beautiful story. The last episode made me cry! Have you seen The Night Of? I don't think it's on netflix but it's a great thriller /crime mini series. Thanks for sharing x

    1. Yes I totally agree, was really well done! I haven’t actually but I’ll definitely check it out, thanks for the recommendation!x

  3. I'm all about the candles this time of year! I wish I could have the cinnamon one but I'm allergic!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    1. They’re a staple aren’t they! Oh no that must be so annoying, luckily there are so many amazing scents to choose from though! x


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