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As the days get colder and the rain more frequent, I've found myself looking back through photos from the summer. I was lucky to have a very busy few months after finishing my first year of university and had the best time so I thought I'd do a recap of everything I got up to. Festivals I'd never been to a festival before and this year I went to 3! The first was The Isle of Wight Festival which was just amazing and I definitely think it's a festival for everyone to enjoy. We were able to see some amazing artists including Lewis Capaldi, Tom Grennan, The Kooks, Rudimental, Madness, Shaggy and so many more. I did end up burning myself really badly on the first day, despite frequently applying suncream but that was a small price to pay and I've already planned to go again in 2023!  I also went to Boomtown which is a different kind of experience music wise but was so good to spend time with my boyfriend - Ryan and our friends. Also, the sets were incredible, and the eff...


Since I recently turned 20, I feel like a know a fair amount about the sort of person I am now... though I definitely don't have my life figured out by any means! I also find posts that allow you to find more about the blogger interesting so thought I'd share 20 things about me here.

    1. I love exploring and travelling - Whether it's a completely different country or even just a new place within somewhere I'm already familiar with, I want to visit as many different places as I can!
    2. Learning has always been something I've enjoyed - I actually really liked school but besides that, I just like to learn and expand my knowledge as much as possible.
    3. I'm generally a pretty calm and chilled person - Most of the time I'm a very laid back person and don't get easily stressed or angry.
    4. I'm a hard worker but also equally good at procrastinating - I always work hard at whatever I do but I would probably get it done much quicker if I didn't procrastinate as much!
    5. I enjoy things that challenge my mind - Quizzes, riddles, puzzles, brain teasers, games...basically anything that stimulates my brain will be something I enjoy and if there's an added competitive element then count me in!
    6. A large amount of my diet consists of various forms of pasta - I understand that this isn't necessarily as telling about my personality but since I'm very pasta obsessed I thought it was significant enough to share.
    7. It's very common of me to mix up my words - Anyone that knows me will be well aware of how often I'll combine two words together or sometimes will just say something completely different than I intended. I don't know why and luckily it's not happened in a more formal situation yet!
    8. I've accepted people will always call me short even though I'm well aware - Yes, I'm pretty short, but by now I've realised that so you really don't have to tell me again!
    9. I actually really enjoy baths - I never really got them and would lie there just feeling a bit hot and bored but you've really got to make it something. Find something to watch, grab a drink and maybe some snacks too. It's a game changer!
    10. Definitely a night person - I always have more motivation and find myself being more productive at night, I feel like if I was an animal, I'd definitely be a nocturnal one for sure!
    11. I have a pretty decent memory - Most often I have a very good recollection of past events or random bits of information. For instance, I can remember tiny details about holidays from when I was little or pretty pointless things like the various wifi passwords and phone numbers that I've had before.
    12. I'm a very creative person and appreciate little details - Whilst I definitely love creating in terms of art and things like that, I also just appreciate a sense of creativity, detail and like to make things as aesthetically pleasing as possible (often linked to my procrastination habits!)
    13. Nostalgia is a big thing for me - I love keeping little mementoes and remembering different memories, one of my favourite things is to look back at old family photos and videos!
    14. I like to think I'm good at finding positives in most situations - I like to think that there are always different perspectives to things and I'd definitely call myself an optimist or glass half full kind of person!
    15. I can't wait to design a house of my own - Ever since I can remember I have loved interior design and the thought of decorating. I always used to draw designs for rooms when I was younger and was obsessed with collecting paint chart samples, I literally have so many it's weird.
    16. There are a lot of words I really don't like - Now some of these words probably make sense because they refer to something that's not that nice but others I don't really have a reason for, such as supper, moreish or autumnal. 
    17. I'm an avid list maker - I don't get how people can not make lists, they are so useful for everything and it's super satisfying to check things off!
    18. I don't really have a specific film or music taste - What I mean by that is if I like it, I like it. I don't necessarily prefer action over romance or pop over indie. I'm definitely more interested in some genres than others but in general, I like a variety!
    19. I can be incredibly indecisive - This can be very frustrating, it just takes me so long to make a decision and it can be the simplest thing. Don't even get me started on naming things, I found it hard enough when playing The Sims or Nintendogs so god knows what I'll be like if I have children!
    20. When I enjoy a tv series I get really invested - For instance, if it's a mystery related thing I'll spend way too much time thinking about it in depth so I can work it out before the characters. I'll often watch multiple interviews and panels and also get invested in the actors themselves as I like to see what else they've been in!
    This was actually really interesting to write, I don't often spend time thinking about my various personality traits and what makes me who I am! I'd love to see other people try something like this so let me know if you do!


    1. What a great idea for a post! I love how the older we get the more profound things we learn about ourselves. Just wait until you get to your 30's .. .it'll blow your mind xxx


      1. Thank you, yes I completely agree! Haha, oh I’m sure, thanks for reading xxx

    2. I adore reflection posts like this, im 20 in a few days and ive already drafted a similiar post to this!

    3. This is such a lovely post! I love reading reflective posts like this!

      Love, Amie ❤
      The Curvaceous Vegan

      1. It was a fun one to write too, thank you! xx

    4. 4, 13 and 19 are so me! I'm so nostalgic about the silliest little things. I love reading posts like this and learning a bit more about people x


      1. I hold on to so many random things for the memories haha! Thanks for reading x

    5. Really enjoyed this! I've got about 10 or 11 of these in common with you!

      1. That’s so interesting to know and thank you!

    6. It's so cool to learn more about you, this post is so neat! I too like eating pasta and get invested into tv series, like YOU and Stranger Things😂

      Natonya |

      1. Thank you! Yes I completely agree about both of those series!

    7. I love finding out new things about people. Such a great idea for a post!
      I resonate with so many of these, especially being terrible at making decisions!
      Thanks for sharing :)

      Aimsy xoxo

      1. Thanks! I’m glad it’s not just me, I just find it so hard to decide things haha! x


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