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As the days get colder and the rain more frequent, I've found myself looking back through photos from the summer. I was lucky to have a very busy few months after finishing my first year of university and had the best time so I thought I'd do a recap of everything I got up to. Festivals I'd never been to a festival before and this year I went to 3! The first was The Isle of Wight Festival which was just amazing and I definitely think it's a festival for everyone to enjoy. We were able to see some amazing artists including Lewis Capaldi, Tom Grennan, The Kooks, Rudimental, Madness, Shaggy and so many more. I did end up burning myself really badly on the first day, despite frequently applying suncream but that was a small price to pay and I've already planned to go again in 2023!  I also went to Boomtown which is a different kind of experience music wise but was so good to spend time with my boyfriend - Ryan and our friends. Also, the sets were incredible, and the eff...


Here is a photo me being
a typical cheeky toddler!
I always remember reading your typical tween magazines and flicking straight to the 'cringes' section, something about the ridiculous confessions always made me laugh and I thought why not take some inspiration! I'm going to share a few of my own embarrassing stories from my childhood...

1) The first time I saw candyfloss I thought it was a tissue and went to wipe my nose on it - thankfully my mum stopped me!
2) During my first year of school an older kid told me to lick a some poison ivy and I was too scared to stand up to them and did it. But the worst part is I then shut myself in the toilet and prepared myself for the poison to set in...clearly it didn't have quite the expected effect
and I finally accepted that maybe I was overreacting!
3) This one time at Christmas I had finished my chocolate and was jealous that my younger sister still had some left. So I shut her in our parents room and bit her ear just to get her to give me hers. Evil wasn't I!
4) When I was about 7 I was outside playing on my swing and for some stupid reason, thought I could do a front flip off of it. Sadly I face planted the grass and in embarrassment I didn't even tell my family!
5) Just before my 6th birthday and my sisters 3rd birthday I decided to give her a 'haircut'. This involved me cutting a triangle into her fringe, the photos at our joint party were interesting lets just say that!
6) One time I was out with my friends and we got some pizza from Dominoes, I tripped over in the middle of the road and instead of breaking my fall I was more concerned about saving the pizza! I still have the scar to prove it!
7) At about 5 I had some pet fish and whilst attempting to add a nice rock feature to the tank, I accidentally dropped it in and one of the fish came to a sad demise,..
8) During my last year of Primary school I was at an after school club that ran in the evening. I was cooking some popcorn in the school's microwave, however it somehow caught fire and everyone had to stand outside in the freezing cold because nobody was able to turn off the fire alarm. The fire brigade came and we had to explain that it was just some popcorn and had been dealt with, I was quite embarrassed!
9) When I was about 6 my favourite tv show was Angelina Ballerina and my parents agreed that I could get pet mice (the characters were mice in case you hadn't heard of it) anyway, they finally agreed but when we got to the pet shop they didn't have any mice left. So instead I settled for some male pet rats, but being the defiant 6 year old I was, I called them Alice and Angelina and pretended they were actually females!
10) During my later years at Primary school and during most of secondary school I became prone to fainting (sadly taking after my mother). On many occasions I had to sit or lie down after feeling the warning signs of fainting, however one time it came out of nowhere and I fell straight on the floor. Not just anywhere, in the middle of my science class with everyone gathered around! Luckily a girl caught me and stopped me from smacking my head on the floor but oh my it sure was embarrassing when I came round and had everyone standing over me and staring!

I probably have way more little anecdotes I could share with you but I think I'll leave it at 10 for now. However I would definitely like to share some more in a part 2 sometime!


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