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As the days get colder and the rain more frequent, I've found myself looking back through photos from the summer. I was lucky to have a very busy few months after finishing my first year of university and had the best time so I thought I'd do a recap of everything I got up to. Festivals I'd never been to a festival before and this year I went to 3! The first was The Isle of Wight Festival which was just amazing and I definitely think it's a festival for everyone to enjoy. We were able to see some amazing artists including Lewis Capaldi, Tom Grennan, The Kooks, Rudimental, Madness, Shaggy and so many more. I did end up burning myself really badly on the first day, despite frequently applying suncream but that was a small price to pay and I've already planned to go again in 2023!  I also went to Boomtown which is a different kind of experience music wise but was so good to spend time with my boyfriend - Ryan and our friends. Also, the sets were incredible, and the eff...


March is always a pretty busy time, it's known as the 'birthday month' in our family because between the 1st and 21st, 7 of us have celebrated our birthdays! This means that there is a lot of family time, a lot of presents and a lot of cake which is a pretty good mix - plus there are loads of things I've been loving this month so I'll get started!


Something I had to mention in this monthly favourites was the rather strange weather we had! We'd not had any decent snow since 2013 and then we had multiple snow days in March, so I think it's fair to say that Spring was delayed! I actually really like the snow, it's so amazing to look out at, especially when it is untouched! Although I did slip over on the ice, straight on my that wasn't as great!


This month I have worn my denim jacket constantly, I don't know how I've lived without one for so long! Besides the random snow days, we've definitely had a few milder and more spring like weather which a lighter jacket is perfect for, but I've also been able to layer it up for when it's been chillier too! I've mostly worn it with black jeans or leggings and then a plain colour top or jumper. My denim jacket has some decent sized pockets inside which has been great for carrying any essentials too, plus I got it for only £15 at LOTD!


I've always been a fan of travel size products, they're useful, save a lot of room and the tiny bottles just look pretty cute don't they! Before taking a weekend trip to London I stocked up on a few things and then added to my collection by nabbing a few of the products in our hotel (who doesn't do that?!) These bits were all from the Ajala Spa which you could book treatments to in the hotel but they smell pretty great! I obviously picked up the essentials like toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, hand gel etc. Though I also wanted to mention the Mitchum Deodorant Sticks, they're not actually a travel product but are really compact and were perfect to take in my bag whilst away!


Despite already mentioning it in my last couple of posts, I couldn't leave out my weekend trip to London as it was a highlight of the month! Obviously spending a couple of days away with my boyfriend and getting to do so many great things around London was amazing, but city breaks are definitely something I'm interested in doing more often now! I would love to visit other cities in the UK and other parts of Europe!


The supermarkets had the Easter products on shelves practically by the new year, however, I thought I'd wait to put anything in my favourites! Over March I was obsessed with the Cadbury Oreo Egg 'n' Spoon chocolate, Cadbury is hands down my favourite chocolate and mixed with the Oreo filling, I can't enough of it...though it can get a bit sickly! I also really like the idea of the egg and spoon thing, it's just a bit of fun, isn't it!


Again, this isn't too interesting this month, but I've been drinking a lot more tea recently so I thought I'd mention it here! Normally my go to is PG Tips (I know some people will have a completely different opinion!), but I've really been enjoying the English Tea Shop tea recently. Their packaging is so pretty and they do a great range of flavours. I'd say that if you like a light cup of tea then it's perfect for you!

I can't believe we're already a week into April, but I hope everyone had a lovely Easter! I am very content with the chocolate I have to eat, there's nothing better to accompany me whilst writing a blog post! Let me know anything you've been loving this month below!


  1. I love that you included the weather in your monthly favourites ♥ English Tea Shop isn't a tea I had heard of before but I'll be sure to check it out :)

    1. I love the snow so I couldn’t not!! And thank you so much!xx

  2. March sounds like a really expensive month for your family with all those birthdays! Sounds fun though. I like the snow too! I'm glad I'm not the only one, most people hate it. x


    1. Oh it does break the bank! I know, so many people moan about it don’t they! Thanks for reading xx

  3. 7 birthdays in one month?! Wow; haha. Expensive month for you! In December, from the 21st December to the 27th - it's my boyfriend's birthday, my sister's birthday, Christmas and then mine and my boyfriend's anniversary 😂 it is one expensive week! Haha. I loved the snow too! It was so pretty looking out the window seeing white snow everywhere, I love walking over the untouched snow. We hadn't had proper snow in ages, so it was great to have some again!


    1. It’s so funny how events can all end up being really close to each other isn’t it! December is busy enough as it is so it must be mad for you! We were definitely due some proper snow!!x

  4. Such a busy birthday month! Bonus is definitely all the cake though. I’ve been lucky not to slip over on any ice this year, usually I’m a clutz so it’s pretty surprising! Absolutely loving the denim jacket and such a bargain! X

    1. Can’t beat cake! There was no stopping myself when I slipped, one moment I was happily walking and the next I was led flat on my back hoping no one saw!! I was so pleased when I found it, such a good addition to my wardrobe! xx

  5. Love how you included so many different things in this post! I love my denim jacket too and the Oreo egg n spoon chocolates are some of my favourites at Easter! Glad you enjoyed your trip to London I always love visiting there!

    Jess //

    1. Thank you, quite a random bunch of things haha! They’re so good aren’t they, and thank you, it’s one of my favourite cities! xx

  6. How did I miss these oreo egg and spoons! Time to raid the easter discount shelves haha

    1. They’re so nice, definitely get some if you can!! Thanks for reading!

  7. I so want to travel to London one day. New York is lovely but I see so much posts about people from London I just want to see it for myself! You have a lot that goes on in March, hopefully April is better haha. Chocolate is the root of all evil, but I love it so much lol. Great post!

    1. Oh wow I want to visit New York so badly, it’s definitely on my travel bucket list!! And yes I totally agree about chocolate haha! Thank you!

  8. This is such a cute post! I love reading about the highlights of someone’s month. I’m glad despite the weather you’re enjoying it and can manage to take gorgeous pics like the one in your feature image. I too have been drinking a lot of tea recently lol well more than usual but I guess that’s great. Can never have too much tea ☕️ great read and I’m glad you enjoyed your trip to London!

    xx Lena |

    1. Ah thank you so much!! I was really pleased with how my snow pictures came out! Tea is just great for all occasions isn’t it, thank you again!!x

  9. Hopefully it works this time! I love the snow picture, we had a lot here and the kids loved it. The cats not so much. I haven't seen that tea but I will keep an eye out, I'm a big tea drinker. I've just brought myself a tea infuser so I can try loose tea x

    1. Yes it has, thank you!! Our cat hated the snow too, the dog however was fascinated by it! Ooh I really want to try an infuser!! x

  10. Hi, it’s been to cold for my denim jacket at the moment. I love Easter eggs and it’s sleays nice to treat yourself to a special tea.

    1. A lot of the time it’s been pretty chilly but I’m one of those people who hate being hot so I just brave the cold! Yeah I totally agree, thanks for reading x

  11. Oh I wish we had the Egg & Spoon chocolates! They look so fun. Easter is definitely my favorite season/holiday with all the decor and pastel colors and chocolates!

    ~ Hazel @ //

    1. Yeah they’re a great idea!! I definitely think Easter is underrated, everything always looks so pretty and you can’t beat the chocolate! Thanks for reading x

  12. Wow expensive month but some great family time 😍 I love a good cuppa & PG Tips is right up there for me 😊

    1. Definitely! But it’s always nice to catch up with family and what a better accompaniment than tea!!🙌🏼

  13. I definitely agree with you about the weather! The snow was a nice change but now I’m just ready for the sun to shine and for summer to hurry up :)


    1. The snow was really overdue! Yeah I can’t wait for sunnier days! Thanks for reading x

  14. you can never have too many denim jackets or easter chocolates!

    1. Can’t go wrong can you! Thank you for reading!x

  15. I love the denim jacket. Denim jackets are my go to for mild days!

    1. They’re great for that aren’t they! Thanks for reading x

  16. Lovely post! First of all 7 birthdays in March is amazing even I have 3 March birthdays that include my extended family. :-) Your denim jacket is really cool. I hope to find one similar to yours. :-)

    Via |

  17. It’s pretty busy! I’m so glad I got it, perfect for this time of the year! Thank you for reading x


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