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As the days get colder and the rain more frequent, I've found myself looking back through photos from the summer. I was lucky to have a very busy few months after finishing my first year of university and had the best time so I thought I'd do a recap of everything I got up to. Festivals I'd never been to a festival before and this year I went to 3! The first was The Isle of Wight Festival which was just amazing and I definitely think it's a festival for everyone to enjoy. We were able to see some amazing artists including Lewis Capaldi, Tom Grennan, The Kooks, Rudimental, Madness, Shaggy and so many more. I did end up burning myself really badly on the first day, despite frequently applying suncream but that was a small price to pay and I've already planned to go again in 2023!  I also went to Boomtown which is a different kind of experience music wise but was so good to spend time with my boyfriend - Ryan and our friends. Also, the sets were incredible, and the eff...


I did it, a whole year of blogging! I'm so glad that I stuck at it because I enjoy it so much and can't believe how much progress I've made with it all. Not only that, but I've connected to so many people all around the world which is just amazing, I can't wait to see what the next year working on my blog brings! Anyway, here is a sum up of my blogging journey so far.

What I've achieved

- Just over 50 posts which is equal to roughly 1 per week, and I'm definitely pleased with that! I started off slow and could have probably done a lot more but at least I've got something to work towards!
- Hit 1.5k+ followers on my blog Twitter account and also had 30.5k impressions in my best month
- Reached 200+ followers on my blog Instagram account after starting to properly use it in May
- Had 2562 viewers on Pinterest in one day and an average of around 1000
- Over 9000 pageviews, the fact that I'm on the way to 10,000 blows my mind!
- Worked with some brands and have more that are in the works 

Things I've learnt

- To plan ahead because it's much easier to know what you're writing about and it's also a great way to make sure you've always got lots of ideas. If you're really organised I'd also suggest scheduling posts too,
- To double-check a post is saved, I've had to write it all over again because it didn't save properly (nightmare!) If I'm ever worried it's not saving properly now I'll often copy the whole post onto Google Docs or Word too, better to be safe than sorry!
- To be authentic and write about what you love and enjoy, it makes a huge difference to how much you like writing it and how much your readers engage and enjoy it too
- To connect with people, comment on people's posts, connect on social media, just give support where you can!

My blogging tips

- Keep a notebook handy or download an app that you can write down any ideas and inspiration, you never know when something might pop into your head.  I use the app 'Notebook' which is amazing for creating checklists and jotting down ideas!
- Use Pinterest for inspiration if you're ever stuck on what to write or just have a browse on Google and you'll find so many post ideas
- Tag questions are great if you've got writer's block and they're so fun to do, they're also super easy and a great way to share more about yourself!
- Use your own images if possible, it's so much more personal, engaging and you can show off your creativity  
- Join group chats and participate in blogger chats and comment threads

Favourite things to post and read

- Anything that involves me sharing an experience or what I've been up to, and my photography, whether that is a trip, event, or just my monthly favourites!
- Tips, tricks and idea posts are great to write because you can help people or can find inspiration by reading them, such as travel ideas, tips for staying motivated, tv show or movie inspiration, quick recipe tricks etc. 
- Tags are also one of my favourite things to write and read because they are so interesting and are a great way to find out more about people, they also really make you think too!

Go-to accounts for blog chats, retweets and connecting with other bloggers

To anyone thinking of starting a blog, do it!! It's so rewarding and gets more and more exciting all the time, over the past year I've absolutely loved learning more about what I enjoy to write about and continually improve and develop. I've still got a long way to go but I hope some of this helped you if you're starting out! Also, a massive thank you to anyone that has supported me over my first year of blogging, I'm so grateful!!


  1. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! Being consistent for that long is tough! And I love all of the achievements you've listed here. Also your tips are great! I keep a blogging notebook near me always because I'll have so many random posts ideas pop into my head, and if i don't write them down they float away from me lol. great post!

    1. Thank you!! Oh I know, ideas come to me at such weird times so I need to have a way of taking notes!x

  2. Thanks so much for writing this. I found the list of go-to accounts particularly useful! A few great new ones for me to try, for sure. Congratulations on your first year of blogging and all your great accomplishments so far. I look forward to reading more!
    Joan Senio

    1. I’m glad they could be of use, finding new accounts to connect with is always great! And thank you so much!

  3. Congratulations on your first year of blogging! It’s tough keeping constant but you are doing such a fab job! Cannot wait to read more of your posts.

    Emma |

    1. Aw thanks lovely that’s so kind of you!x

  4. Huge congratulations on a year! I couldn't function without my blogging notebooks. Thanks for listing all of those accounts, that's so helpful! x


    1. Thank you!! Oh I know, it’s so important to have somewhere to write things down isn’t it, you’re welcome!x

  5. Congratulations on making it through a whole year of blogging! You've achieved so much in your first year so well done you! I love reading your posts, your blog is amazing so keep doing what you're doing girl! You also included some great tips for other bloggers so thanks for sharing!

    Jess //

    1. Wow that’s so so sweet of you to say! Your blog is so engaging and interesting so thank you lovely!x

  6. I love this and your tips! Thank you, so helpful!! X

    1. I’m glad it helped! Thanks for reading!x

  7. Congrats on one year and on everything you've achieved! My one year was back in April. There's some great tips here too, I love carrying a notebook around too or just using notes in my phone for when I get random ideas, great post!

    1. Thank you and congratulations to you for April! I think of ideas at such random moments so having somewhere to write them down is vital! Thanks again!

    2. You're welcome! Aw, thank you :) Yeah, I'm the same ideas just come to me randomly haha

  8. Congratulations on your first year! Thank you for posting your tips, as a new blogger they are really helpful to read! The list of accounts is really helpful!

    Rebecca |

    1. Thank you!! That’s exactly what I wanted, I’ve gained so much from reader tips from other people so I wanted to share anything I learnt too!x

  9. Congrats on all of your achievements! I'm nearly at one month in a couple of days, so a year seems like ages away. Love the tips, and reading about what you've learned so far. (:

    1. Wow well done, honestly it goes so quickly! Thank you for reading and for your lovely comment!

  10. Congrats to you! I just started blogging in April, and it has definitely had its challenges. I am glad that I am sticking with it though.

    1. Thank you! It can definitely be hard at times but it’s so worth it so good luck!

  11. Happy Bloggaversary Lorna!! 💃🏽🎉🎈 Super awesome to reach one year of blogging! Well done and you managed to keep up your consistency. Thanks for sharing the tips and the accounts that are helpful to bloggers...I think the best advice for anyone wanting to start is to just do it too! It can be loads of fun and you def learn a lot and network 💕

    xx Lena |

    1. Aw thank you so much!! I’m really glad I’ve stuck at it as it’s so enjoyable and I’ve learnt a lot! Totally agree!!xx

  12. Congratulations on one year of blogging, such an achievement! Really enjoyed reading your little tips and tricks, hope the next year is as fun and encouraging for you as the first one x

    1. Thank you for the feedback! Excited to see what the next year brings!x

  13. Great post! You have lovely tips!

  14. Congratulations! So excited to see your blog continue to progress!

    Sending you good vibes!

    Nati x | | @NAfterCoffee

  15. Aw congratulations on your 1 year blog anniversary, you've done so well! Some great tips too!

    1. Tried to think of all the tips I could so thank you!

  16. Hi Lorna! Congratulations on your first year it's such a huge accomplishment for you. You've done so well in your first year😊 I'm so happy your blogging journey is joyful and it's kind of you to share those tips with us. I agree stating organized is the key to seeing results, helps you stay consistent with your work which makes it all easier ❤️

    Natonya |

    1. Thank you so much, that’s so so lovely!! I’ve really enjoyed my journey so far, and I completely agree about helping you to stay consistent! Thanks for reading!xxx

  17. Congratulations on reaching one year of blogging! I think it's a great milestone and hope you'll continue with your passion for blogging. Your stats look great for year 1! Love that you incorporated some lessons learned throughout your journey. It is so important to support other bloggers. It's always nice to see other bloggers supporting you, so you have to return the respect somehow! Thanks for sharing these tips!

    Nancy ♥

  18. That's a huge accomplishment! Congrats - you are doing such an amazing job =)



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