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As the days get colder and the rain more frequent, I've found myself looking back through photos from the summer. I was lucky to have a very busy few months after finishing my first year of university and had the best time so I thought I'd do a recap of everything I got up to. Festivals I'd never been to a festival before and this year I went to 3! The first was The Isle of Wight Festival which was just amazing and I definitely think it's a festival for everyone to enjoy. We were able to see some amazing artists including Lewis Capaldi, Tom Grennan, The Kooks, Rudimental, Madness, Shaggy and so many more. I did end up burning myself really badly on the first day, despite frequently applying suncream but that was a small price to pay and I've already planned to go again in 2023!  I also went to Boomtown which is a different kind of experience music wise but was so good to spend time with my boyfriend - Ryan and our friends. Also, the sets were incredible, and the eff...


Since we're halfway through the year I thought I'd do some reflecting and wanted to refocus on some goals to work towards for the rest of 2018. I like having something to work towards whether it's more short-term or something that I'd like to improve over time. I've tried to include a range of things so I can target different aspects of my life!

Blogging Goals

Hit 2000 followers on Twitter - I just hit 1.5k so 2000 is my next goal! I'm really pleased with how my Twitter following is growing as it's my favourite social media and way to connect!
Hit 500 followers on Instagram - My blog account is pretty new & I'm still learning to use it for blogging but I hope to reach at least 500 followers.
Work with more companies - It's so rewarding when brands contact and want to work with you so I'd love to work with more companies, I've not had much experience of it but have done a couple of reviews!
Schedule more posts - It's always useful to have posts written and ready to publish so I want to do this on a more regular basis.
Create a Media Kit - I've been looking into this for a while so its definitely something I want to produce soon!

Lifestyle Goals

Have a better sleeping pattern - To say that I am a night owl would be an understatement and I've always had trouble getting to sleep so I'd really like to try out different methods of helping!
Be healthier in general - Since the weather has improved I've been getting out a lot more and walking, as well as trying eating better but I do want to exercise more regularly.
Drink more water - I've never been a big drinker but it's so important to stay hydrated and there are so many other benefits as well!
Try to be more organised - I mean who doesn't want to be more organised, with some things I'm so good and have lists upon lists of planning but I'd like to be more organised in all aspects of my life!

Travel Goals

Continue saving to travel - I'm almost 2/3 of my minimum goal so I just basically want to continue going in the right direction!
Create a travel plan - I've looked into this a million times but I hope to have more things set in stone.
Go on more day trips - Going out and experiencing new things or revisiting places I love is something I always enjoy, whether it's planned or spontaneous!
Visit more cities - I'm going to Belgium in the summer so will hopefully visit a few cities then, I'd also like to possibly visit Germany and maybe some cities around the UK too!

Creative Goals

Post calligraphy attempts on Instagram - I've been experimenting with calligraphy for a while so I'd like to document my improvements.
Continue developing my photography - Taking photos has been something I've loved for years now so I'm always looking to develop and try new things out!
Use graphics tablet to experiment with creativity - I really want to make the most of my tablet and hope to create lots of sketches, especially interior design ones as that's something I'm really interested in.
Produce more art for fun in my sketchbook - Creating art is one of my favourite things to do but it's kind of taken a backseat after finishing for school, I'd really like to get back into it!

Food Goals

Put together a list of favourite recipes - I've got a Pinterest board and I know my go-to meals but I'd like to have a list with a good range as I'm so indecisive, just ask my boyfriend!
Bake more often - I absolutely love baking, it's a great way to spend a day and you get some delicious food at the end but I haven't properly baked in ages!
Eat out at new restaurants - Finding new places to eat is always great, whether it's in a completely new place or closer to home.
Try to include more protein in my diet - I'm a carb girl through and through and I feel like my diet lacks protein so I want to put more effort into including more!

Entertainment Goals

See more films at the cinema - Going to the cinema to see a film is such a better experience and there's nothing better than just sitting back to relax with some popcorn is there?
Find more tv series to watch - I feel like I've watched a thousand different shows, some multiple times & I've sort of hit a wall in regards to what I should watch next but I'm always on the lookout!
Plan board game evenings - Playing board games is actually something I really enjoy, I love the competitivity and if you've got some good snacks then it's a great way to spend an evening!
Go to a pub quiz - Again, another thing I enjoy is general knowledge quizzes so I'd like to go to a pub quiz to put that to the test and have a laugh!

So, there we have my list of mid-year goals! There's quite a variety but I really tried to include things from different aspects of my life so that I have lots to work towards! Who knows if I'll actually stick to them but hey I'll try my best and let you know how I get on! I'd love to know if any of you have any goals you're working towards at the moment!


  1. Nice goals! I love the creative goals you have. I hope you succeed in them. Best of luck!

  2. Wow, there are a lot of goals here, and some I really need to add to my list too (like baking more, I never seem to anymore!), this is so inspiring and has given me loads of ideas so thank you. Good luck with them!
    Sophie - x

    1. Yeah looking back there is quite a lot haha! Thank you, glad it gave you same inspiration!x

  3. I love how you have clearly defined all your goals. (Making a mental note to do the same)
    Working with brands on sponsored posts is something I would like to do as well. In lifestyle changes, regular fitness routine is something I am striving for!

    Aditi |

    1. I find it so much easier to stick to things if I’ve properly thought about them and writing it down helps a lot! Thanks for reading x

  4. I totally forgot that it's time to check out our progress for our gorals! Congratulations on hitting all of these milestones on your blog. Hope you'll continue to grow your blog :)! Glad that you're saving up money - traveling is worth the hustle. Keep up the good work and hope to see everything done - or at least the important goals at the end of the year ;D

    Nancy ♥

    1. Yes I look forward to growing it more, I’ve always wanted to travel so it will be worth it! Haha thank you, hopefully they go well!x

  5. You've included some great goals here! Some of my blogging goals are to get a media kit and work with brands! There's some amazing films coming out at the cinema soon so I'm sure you'll be able to reach that goal too! Good luck lovely!

    Jess //

    1. Yeah there are some films I definitely want to go and see fit sure!! Thanks so much and good luck with your goals too!xx

  6. Thanks for sharing this Lorna. You have given me the motivation to get more organized about what I would like to accomplish with the rest of the year. I like that you included goals from many different aspects of your life. I wish you lots of good luck in achieving them all!
    Joan Senio

    1. Thank you so much, I’m glad it helped you in some way! Good luck with any goals you set yourself !

  7. You’ve got some great goals here! Good luck with them all :)
    Sophie x

  8. That's a lot of goals! Best of luck with them.

    Louisa | Loubee Lou Blogs

    1. I know, set myself some task haha! Thanks!

  9. This is brilliant- let us know how you get on! I need to set some time aside to set myself some blogging goals, want to keep them achievable but push myself a bit! X

    1. Thank you, I will! Yeah it’s important to get a good balance!x

  10. I love all of these goals, especially because the bar isn't set so high to wear you're setting yourself up for failure. They're super simple and really fun goals! I myself want to put together a Media Kit to, so I would love to read your experience if you post about it one day!

    1. Thank you, I definitely tried to make them achievable and interesting! Ooh yes I will and same to you!x


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