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As the days get colder and the rain more frequent, I've found myself looking back through photos from the summer. I was lucky to have a very busy few months after finishing my first year of university and had the best time so I thought I'd do a recap of everything I got up to. Festivals I'd never been to a festival before and this year I went to 3! The first was The Isle of Wight Festival which was just amazing and I definitely think it's a festival for everyone to enjoy. We were able to see some amazing artists including Lewis Capaldi, Tom Grennan, The Kooks, Rudimental, Madness, Shaggy and so many more. I did end up burning myself really badly on the first day, despite frequently applying suncream but that was a small price to pay and I've already planned to go again in 2023!  I also went to Boomtown which is a different kind of experience music wise but was so good to spend time with my boyfriend - Ryan and our friends. Also, the sets were incredible, and the eff...


As the temperature drops and the delightful grey, rainy days become even more regular, I often find myself watching TV shows that I couldn't care less about and feeling unproductive! So to combat this feeling of boredom I have made a list of things to do in the Autumn.

  • Go for a walk - I love going for walks in Autumn because the air is so fresh and crisp. Plus the trees are so colourful at this time of the year so going for a little walk is always nice! Whether you just pop into town, visit your local park or head out to your favourite spots, I guarantee a quick walk will make you feel productive. It's also great if you need to clear your head or just want a break from your everyday business! 
  • Cook  -  Sometimes cooking can feel a bit like a chore but it's always rewarding when you have a delicious hearty meal at the end. My personal favourite at the moment is a creamy tomato, chicken and chorizo pasta bake. I've made this a few times recently and I absolutely love it! I use the recipe on the Tesco website which you can find here.   
  • Play a board game - There are so many board games out there and whether you play with a bunch of friends or your family, I can assure you it will bring endless laughs and maybe a few tiffs! But hey a bit of competition is needed now and again, so why not grab your favourite board game or a few and host your own game night? My top board game has to be Cluedo, it's just a classic! 
  • Organise yourself - Like me, I can bet that a bit of organisation  is needed for everyone! Personally I like to write lists but I know everyone has their own way. So if you're feeling bored why not use this time to get some things done. Sort out your wardrobe, rearrange some things or whatever job you've been putting off! 
  • Bake - Baking is one of my favourite things to do and I really need to start doing it more regularly. Also there are a load of great recipes that I'd love to try out, especially during Autumn as I like to experiment with different flavours and spices. However you cannot beat a delicious cinnamon bake and I've gone for the classic cinnamon whirl. Check out this recipe here to make your own! 
  • Pamper yourself - When it's dull and rainy outside, a little pamper session is definitely needed! You don't need to go mad, just run yourself a bath and fill it with your favourite bath products. I'd recommend having a look at Lush as they always have fab products that smell delicious and make your skin feel nice and soft! Now is the time to get out all your best smelling candles  and to put on your favourite relaxing playlist for the ultimate chilled bath experience! Maybe use a face mask as well just to feel even more relaxed. When you're out in the bath there are a load of different things you can do during a pamper evening but I enjoy getting my nail polishes out and choosing a new colour. At this time of the year my go to colours are reds and purples but you do you!
  • Get creative - I've been pretty annoyed at myself lately for not creating as much art as I'd like to, after I finished my A Level project I sort of came to a halt. However if I'm ever feeling bored and the weather is bad then I'd definitely recommend whipping out your paints, pencils etc. to get creative! It doesn't even have to be good, sometimes just chucking colours down can be great fun and also pretty therapeutic too! 
  • Go to a cafe - Head down to one of local cafes and grab your favourite hot beverage. I do love a good tea or coffee but I have to say, you really can't go wrong with a rich hot chocolate - with the whipped cream, marshmallows and any other toppings as well of course! It just makes me feel so ready for the colder months. 
  • Treat yourself - If all else fails then why not treat yourself to something. Do a shopping haul or purchase that perfume you've been dying to try. Whatever it is, sometimes you need to splurge a little bit now and again. (No one is judging!) And hey whilst you're at it, grab a drink - hot, cold, maybe a glass of whatever you fancy... and some snacks, then you're good to go! 
  • Watch a TV series or a movie - A good old binge of a new series, or an old one if you want to revisit one of your favourites, is always a great pastime. The obvious thing to do is of course to scroll through Netflix, your bound to find something and then you'll get the famous 'are you still watching?' It makes you feel guilty for 0.2 seconds and then before you know it, you've watched an entire series. But hey at least you've found something to cure the boredom!!

  *Disclaimer - These are Amazon affiliate links, by clicking and purchasing through these links I may receive a small commission. 


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