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As the days get colder and the rain more frequent, I've found myself looking back through photos from the summer. I was lucky to have a very busy few months after finishing my first year of university and had the best time so I thought I'd do a recap of everything I got up to. Festivals I'd never been to a festival before and this year I went to 3! The first was The Isle of Wight Festival which was just amazing and I definitely think it's a festival for everyone to enjoy. We were able to see some amazing artists including Lewis Capaldi, Tom Grennan, The Kooks, Rudimental, Madness, Shaggy and so many more. I did end up burning myself really badly on the first day, despite frequently applying suncream but that was a small price to pay and I've already planned to go again in 2023!  I also went to Boomtown which is a different kind of experience music wise but was so good to spend time with my boyfriend - Ryan and our friends. Also, the sets were incredible, and the eff...


It's that time of the year again when everyone is trying to think about what to give people for Christmas, as well as making their own wishlists. I thought I'd do a quick post with a range of ideas because I know I always look for posts like this to get some inspiration!


→ Bath or shower set - I mean you can't go wrong can you, they make a great gift and can be used by anyone. I love this set from the brand Hugg that I got from Waitrose.

→ Perfume/Cologne - Also a super simple idea but it's so nice to get something new to wear. Also Fragrance Direct has 70% at the moment!

→ Bath bomb - A good bath is underrated and of course Lush is the ultimate go-to for amazing bath bombs but of course, lots of places sell some lovely ones.

→ Makeup palette - For the makeup lovers, I feel like a palette is a gift that will be appreciated and you can get eyeshadow, contour, highlight etc. James Charles x Morphe Palette is insane for those who like to experiment with colour but good luck getting your hands on one as they sell out quick everytime they're restocked! Alternatively, check out plaves like Superdrug for various brands.

→ Gift set from their favourite brand - Another simple gift but shows some thought if you get something from their favourite brand. Boots do some great gift sets for Christmas.

→ Scarf - Clothes can be hard to buy for people so a scarf is a great compromise and you can get some gorgeous ones. I love the selection that Primark has this year actually.
→ Denim jacket - A staple a many people's wardrobes so it's definitely something I'd recommend. Boohoo have lots of choices and not just the usual blue denim either.
→ Slippers - I feel like Christmas morning is the ideal time to open slippers! Again, Primark has a huge selection of super affordable ones or if you want something more high end then I know John Lewis has a great range of brands.
→ Shoes - A new pair of shoes is a really great gift and there are so many styles to choose from. Personally, I think Converse or Vans are often winners with most people!
→ Socks - When you're younger socks would always be seen as a boring present but now they're always well received. I love getting cosy socks or festive ones are always fun too. Asos have a wide range for both Men and Women.
→ Jumper - Since Christmas is in winter, a jumper is an obvious winning gift for most people. I've been given one for Christmas many times and it's always a great choice. Pull & Bear are brilliant for jumpers or you can't go wrong with Primark!
→ Jewellery - Another gift that will always be appreciated. Also, I think it's lovely to have something more personal, for example, you could get something containing their birthstone. I already have a March Pandora ring and was also kindly sent a surprise necklace from Statement Made Jewellery that contains the aquamarine stone too. They have some lovely pieces and it comes packaged so well so it would make a lovely gift for someone.

→ Camera - This is actually something on my wishlist this year and even if they aren't into photography too much, a Polaroid camera is perfect for capturing memories. I'd love one of the FujiFilm ones! Another thing that is useful, especially for travellling or people who like doing outdoor activities is an action camera. A Go Pro is an obvious choice but you can get cheaper ones like the Lexi one I recieved when working with a brand earlier in the year.
→ Phone printer - So many of us constantly take photos on our phones so something like the HP Sprocket would be such a useful gift as it makes it so easy to print out your favourite photos.
→ Amazon Echo - These can be very useful and I know loads of people love them so it would make a great gift, you could also get the Echo Dot if you're looking for something a bit cheaper. Check them out here.
→ Chromecast - I feel like this is something I could really do with as it makes it super easy to watch various platforms on your tv. They're also really affordable too but it's one of those things that people might not think about. You can get one from Amazon here.
→ Phone - Of course, if you don't have a particular budget then a new phone is often a popular gift choice, also there are usually some really good deals on arunnd this time of the year. I like to use websites such as
→ Console - For those that enjoy gaming, a new console is something that would be exciting. I'd love the Nintendo Switch, or if you want something more retro you could also get the PlayStation Classic that has recently been released!
→ Tablet - You can definitely get tablets for various price ranges and they can be so useful. It's a great thing to have if you travel a lot as they're often much more portable than laptops. Amazon is a great place to check out the best ones.
→ Headphones - Another thing that is ideal for most people whether it's to listen to music, podcasts, videos etc. If you want some high-end ones then I know people love Bose ones but of course you can get much more affordable ones too.

→  Candles - I feel like this is on every gift guide but that's because it's such a good idea. Again, you can definitely get ones for various price ranges such as Jo Malone, Yankee Candle or some smaller business have some lovely ones too.
→  Wall print - Whether it's a piece of art, a quote, photo, this can be a great gift as you can make it personal. Desenio is amazing and I also love the prints I kindly got from Old English Company a while back.
→  Kitchenware - Different things for the kitchen can be very useful, I got a Smoothie maker which was a great gift or you could even just get a new mug for someone, Anthropologie has some gorgeous designs.
→  Baking equipment - I feel like the festive season is an ideal time to get baking so some new equipment could be a nice idea. I'd definitely recommend Lakeland for anything baking related.
→  Plants - Like candles, plants are one of those things that everyone suggests but they really do make a lovely present. Also, you can get some very amazing fake ones too for those people who always end up killing them, I went to Ikea last weekend and they had a nice selection!
→ Photo gift - Another more personal gift which would be the perfect thing to open, we've given photo calendars to our Grandparents for years and it's a tradition they really appreciate. Websites like Photobox and Vistaprint are good ones to check out.

→ Notebook - I’ve had so many notebooks for Christmas over the years but genuinely love getting a fresh one to write in. I’m definitely a list maker and enjoy using one for planning blog posts. Also, you can get some lovely designs from so many places! Coconut Lane do some fab ones actually!
→  Planner/diary - Another item for those who like to be organised or perhaps would like to try at least, is a diary or planner. I got one from Old English Company when I worked with them earlier in the year and live the simplicity of the design. I plan to start it in January! Also, the one in the Zoella Lifestyle Range looks like a fab planner too.
→  Pen/pencil set - All stationery lovers will appreciate some new pens, whether it’s on for note taking,  some markers, or even some pencils and highlighters. I feel more organised when using colour so would definitely be happy to receive any of those. Currently, I’m loving writing my notes with the Fox & Moon pen I won in a BlogBox giveaway.
→  Calligraphy set - I know not everyone is interested in calligraphy but a set could make a lovely gift for someone who is experimenting with different typography skills. I’ve been attempting to learn calligraphy for a while so this is something I’d love for sure. Places like Hobbycraft are great, or even Amazon!
→  Art equipment - For all those creative people in your life, some new art equipment is a brilliant idea. Last year I got some new watercolours which are super portable and this year I’d love some new oil pastels as my current ones are very well used! Homecrafts is a great place to look or any other arts and craft shops!

Things to do:
→  Games - Whether it’s board games, card games, video games, any sort of game for your friends and family to play at Christmas is a winner. I’m a massive fan of board games especially and was thinking about doing a separate post on my favourites, though my go-to is definitely Cluedo. Again, places like Argos or Amazon are ideal places to look.
→ 'Grow your own' kit - This is a really fun idea and you can find a massive range of sets for all ages really. I always like the grow your own plant kits, and there is also more beauty related or different foods ones too. Not On The Highstreet has a lot of choices!
→  Books - I know lots of people love being able to get cosy with a new book on Christmas so this is a great gift idea. Also, if you’re like me and don’t necessarily enjoy fiction books then something like an autobiography, activity or quiz book may be a good alternative! I got a quiz book last year which you can find on Amazon or places like Waterstones.
→  Record Player - Most people enjoy listening to music and whilst it’s easy to listen on platforms like Spotify, listening to a physical copy can be more enjoyable. Therefore, a record player would make a perfect gift and Urban Outfitters have some gorgeous colours.

Food and Drink:
→  Chocolate - A no-brainer really, most people love getting chocolate at Christmas so why not get some of their favourite types! Personally, I love Cadbury and they have some brilliant gift selections this year.
→  Homemade gifts - Why not make something yourself and package it up nicely to send to various people. Truffles are a great idea, as well as gingerbread and cookies. Get creative and people will really appreciate it!
→  Hamper - For those people who say they don’t want anything, a hamper could be a nice idea. You can fill it with their favourite things, whether it’s cheese, biscuits, chocolate, wine...anything goes and they’ll get great use out of it over the holiday period!
Bottle of favourite drink - Another super simple idea but it can be a great one, especially for people you might not know too well. You can also get creative and add new flavours to drinks. BBC Good Food has some ideas.
Experience/Subscription Gifts:
→  Restaurant gift card - For those food lovers, why not get them a gift card to their favourite restaurant, it’s something they can look forward to and will definitely appreciate!
→ Gift cards to favourite shops - If you have no idea what to get someone, then a gift card to their favourite shop is a good alternative. The best ones are those that have various stores as an option, also they can then take full advantage of the Boxing Day and January sales!
→ Event tickets - Having something to look forward to is always exciting so a ticket to an event can be a brilliant choice. Whether it’s a sports game, concert, theatre performance, there are so many events to choose from!
→  Day out tickets - Experience gifts are often better than any physical gift because it’s something that allows you to create amazing memories, so why not get them a voucher for a day out to enjoy! Groupon has some great selections at affordable prices too.
→ Subscription box - You can get subscription boxes for practically everything nowadays, from meals, snacks, beauty, books, gaming or even socks. They make a great present because you can often get a once off or it can be the gift that keeps on giving ignorant you opt for an ongoing subscription! Check out the website All Subscription Boxes for ideas.

Wow, what a list that was! Hopefully it gave you some inspiration for some ideas to give people, or perhaps something you'd like yourself. Let me know what is on your wishlist this year as I'm always looking for more great gifts!

* Disclaimer: As stated, a few of the items mentioned were given to me as part of other posts. Any Amazon pages are affiliate links, all opinions are always my own. 


  1. This is such a useful post, I’ve done most of my shopping but there’s a few things I still need to pick up so I’ll definitely be coming back to this post . Love the Beauty section, all of that is on my Christmas list! X

    1. I’ve definitely got some shopping left to do too! Thank you for reading!x

  2. wow this is such a through wish list, with everything from clothes to technology. There are things on the list I hadn't even thought about getting, this was really helpful to get everyone I love something unique and interesting.

    1. I’m so glad it was useful, I tried to vary it as much as possible!

  3. This is SO useful! You've given me some ideas for a Secret Santa gift I've been worrying about for a while.

    Scarlett |

    1. That’s so good to hear, Secret Santa can always be difficult!!

  4. Oh I’m a stationery lover too so completely agree with you there! I definitely need to check out all the subscription box possibilities as there is so many these days! Thank you so much xx

  5. That's a very extensive list full of great ideas! I defo need a new camera but i think it's too late to tell my parents ahah

  6. This list is very VERY resourceful, I love it! I really like the idea of Polaroid cameras ! ♥

    1. They’d make such a nice gift I think! Thanks for reading x

  7. Socks are always a good idea in my book, they make such a good present!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  8. Lovely resource. I love those codebreaker puzzle books and I'm always up for bath bombs etc. :)

    1. You really can’t go wrong with bath bombs can you, thanks for reading x

  9. Wow! What an amazing list - SO many suggestions! :)


  10. This is such a great post! I've finished my Christmas shopping but would've love to have seen this list prior to! I'll keep this in mind for next year :)

    cabin twenty-four

    1. Yes I wish I’d gotten it done earlier! Thanks for reading though x

  11. I love that these are gifts that people will love! LUSH MAKES THE BEST BATH BOMBS!!! I love how they're so glittery and smell so good. Ooh, you can never go wrong with socks. The more, the merrier! I am a total fan of the technology picks. YESSS on the phone printer! You can never go wrong with stationery either. Thanks for sharing this comprehensive list!!

    Nancy ♥


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